A Guide to Coochy Plus Intimate Shaving Cream Scents
Here's a breakdown of all the scents of each of the Coochy Plus Shaving Creams and Aftershave.
4 Simple Tricks to Minimize the Strong Smell of an Acrylic Nail Monomer
When you walk into a nail salon or work with nails in your own home, whether a big or small space, there is an adherent smell in the air with monomer, espcially if it is a TRUE EMA, MMA FREE Monomer, such as IntiMD's Glamourshield. Unfortunately, there is NO WAY to escape the strong chemical smell. It all comes down to Thioacetone (also known as one of the world's smelliest chemicals), an organosulfur compound found within liquid monomer.
What’s the Difference Between Pure Instinct Crave and Pure Instinct Original?
The viral sensation that has been all over Tiktok for the past 12 months, and many other social media platforms has been Pure Instinct. Just the Tiktok hashtag #PureInstinct alone has 29 million views. The interest has made it popular for many wanting to jump on the trend and try it for themselves to test it out. Now, the company behind it, IntiMD, has introduced a brand new, female driven scent called Pure Instinct Crave.